Circuit Training

High Energy, Weight Loss and Strength

Circuit classes are a high energy, weight loss and strength training system that utilises 10-12 stations of exercises. The class is usually held outside up at Colden Common Park near Winchester.

Circuits have long been used by the Military as a measure of Health and Fitness levels and the class reflects this. Macksfitness clients have in the past used Circuits to increase their fitness levels and then move onto further more advanced challenges.

Classic movements such as Push ups, pull ups, squats and lunges are used, as well as smaller muscle groups such as shoulders and arms being targeted specifically.

Circuit stations are typically 40-50 seconds in duration, with a cool down and stretch out section to finish.

Cost is £8 per session, payable in a 4 or 5 week block. £9 per hour drop-in fee.


personal training with macks fitness
personal training with macks fitness