As I sit here in a hospital bed in Southampton, I find myself thinking on the true value of health.
I don’t mean bristling 10k smashing, triathlon running, crossfit mayhem health. I mean being well.
Being fit.
Having no illness or disease that stops you doing, well, anything you bloody want really.
I have always kept fit and healthy my whole life. From my father introducing me to squash when I was around 5 years old to half marathons, gym fitness, University squash and then setting up Macks Fitness Ltd back in 2009.
In 2012 I first noticed signs that I may not be well. To cut a long story short, I’m undergoing treatment for Lymphoma. Second set of chemo started yesterday.
Now, the frustration I have that I am unable to train. To do what I want, when I want is immense.
I don’t have the capacity to operate at peak level. Hell, I remember the annoyance with having doms and being too sore to train, not just having cancer to deal with!
This makes me thing about people who are well. Who may get the odd cold or upset tummy. Possible headache or sore back from sitting in front of a desk. Who may look at the person out running down the road in all weather’s and smirk away, ” bloody fanatics!”
Get out and get fit!
I mean properly fit.
Not just, ” oh, I parked the car further away from the office today” or ” I took the stairs rather than using the lift”
I mean do something tangible.
Make a conscious decision to get some trainers on, employ a PT, start a regular exercise class and do something.
You never know if your health will be snatched away from you.
Be fit for your children, your partner , your family. Not just you.
You owe it to people like me. Like the 5 other poor souls laying in this oncology ward, awaiting the next batch of chemo to arrive.
You have that gift. The ability to improve your wellbeing.
For free too.
Get out and do it.
For you. You need it and deserve it.
Trust me.