Club champion PT client!!

Club champion PT client!!

  Massive congratulations to Alison B, one of my PT clients who has won her club championship at Remedy Oak golf course this weekend!! Superb job Alison!!! #fitness #specifictraining #core #personaltraining
Outdoor fitness success

Outdoor fitness success

Well, the first six week Bootcamp block has finished for the new Twyford outdoor gym! Next block is already taking bookings! Great to see so many people using it too. Contact us at for more details. #fitness #bootcamp...

Super Wednesday

Client number 4 on a v busy Wednesday for PT. 6.15 PT, 8 PT in the gym, 9.15 PT outdoor, now an indoor PT, home session. Weights, core and metabolic training!

Macks Losers amaze!!

WOW!! Macks Losers have excelled themselves. Tee shirts not worn in years fitting! Outfit goals achieved! Targets met! Biggest loser Pauline with, wait for it….11lbs in just about 4 weeks training!! How you ask? Hard work, Metabolic training, nutritional...